Doctors are very limited in their defensive skills and have no offensive skills of their own; however, their role is extremely important in a group and can be easily combined with a combat profession to. 46 by 15 people: i found this to be a useful and fun macro for quickly switching from your cool clothes to combat armor. Quick Wingman Command Macros: Macro name: WingmanCommand_AttackTarget. Droid commands. The "toolbarPane03" should be pane 4. One of the cool things about these programs is you can trade them between factions. hotbar 4 - qert, shift+qert, ALT+qert (this one i completely use, all 4 buttons are easy to reach, mostly for buffs and aoes. Access your droid in space from the Abilities and Commands menu, just drag the programs you want to a toolbar. . Intro and Armor removal Macro. /alias name commands. 1 Original Article 2 Edits for current (NGE) game 3 PracticeIt & MakeIt 4 Other notes 5 Non-bugged Macro' 6 The perfect macro using 7 tools (Looping) 7 AutoSample by Dealman. Droid Commands are accessed and created through three methods: 1. Commands the pet to follow you or a target. Example. Note: The auto-attack command has since been removed to prevent afk-combat macros from being used. I have found that it works just as well, and I am able to use that part of the toolbar for other macro's that I personally make. The Structure Management Terminal in your house lets you manage the house and control what others can do in and to it. ’ When a macro calls itself this is called “recursion. Click Open. Quick Navigation Rules and Policies Top. Players must be within 3 meters of the mount to be able to get on it. The Tusken Executioner is around the pool in the cave underneath Fort Tusken. The following are commands that are preceeded with /ui action. /addpower. cfg in your main game folder. If you have ever needed to decorate anything you would know this is an intense process in Star Wars Galaxies. Full list of new JTL commands - now with hyperspace, droid and "chatter speech" [ Edited ] Options. Preferably the person with the highest level in Wound healing and BE clothing. This is a list of commands that i have put together from person exspeirience friends and others i havnt tried all of these commands but i have tried about 99pct of them and they all work so far i hope this helps!!! *red = Main party of the command like . (SWG WIKI says a 1112 character macro exceeds that limit… need to test) Chaining macros and recursion. (Note this may not be a complete list) Mostly Non Combat related commands for Pre-Cu SWG. 02-16-2023, 03:24 PM. This is a great guide to helping you get started in setting up macros and commands. As entertainers, they have the ability to provide an inspiration buff to other players as well as themselves. A. /addp xx - Add xx Power - Leave off amount for dialog. Ri-tie • 2 yr. This can be done using one or more machines. Your main attack will always attack your intended target (the enemy in the green brackets), and it will be easy to attack the right target in a crowd. They have the ability to tame, train, and command pets, which can be a powerful aid. For this. 6km. In the Customize Macro Button dialog box, under Action, click Browse and open the macro. Pet abilities are a recent addition to SWG (). I. However, this post should cover most everything you need to know about owning a droid. But it is a good place to find typed commands for the aspiring macro maniac. /afk - sets you character. The following callouts refer to the HUD screenshot below: Health, Action, and Mind attributes. A reusable group pickup point waypoint that points to the location of the group pickup point will be created and. An Empire Revisited: My first ten hours in SWG Legends. 5. Back in the Controls tab window, select Restore Defaults and agree to changes. - PVE. Sometimes abbreviates as MMO. Post Macros Here [] Please mark your macro's as work in progress (WIP) or completed. Level 6: 150 capacity. That is, with a 15. Now in the macro text type in /tellpet (pettcommand); and ALWAYS remember to put a ; at the end of every command. The SSB: SWG Game Council has stated that as long as Sony allows the use of AFK macros, it is acceptable to be used by members of the guild. put a space and a number after these commands with the piece of furniture you want to move selected. Set Up Cut and Paste. Before running the script, go to the Kkowir Forest /wp 155 51 and make an in-game macro to kill the Mouf. Under Buttons, drag New Macro Button to any. They are in game scripts that can be developed to automate an action, or series of actions. . 1 : Switched from burstrun to kneel, as I can't get burstrun working. Most skills require a prerequisite, be it a minimum CL, or a prior skill. How do I stop a macro? I copied a sampling macro and it works great but how can I turn it off when I am done, other than logging out of the game? I am new to SWG and I love to craft, I appreciate the help. Macros have a nice GUI and you can map them to keys, but aliases have their own advantages too. ’ When a macro calls itself this is called “recursion. Look to Multiboxing for a general overview on this subject and to Multiboxing hardware and Multiboxing. A harvester terminal has all the standard elements and adds several additional sub-options. Then click on the word "all" on the top right. System requirements: Microsoft . Note: The auto-attack command has since been removed to prevent afk-combat macros from being used. However only an Entertainer has the commands for flourishes associated with it. If the rotate command is sent without a value parameter, the default action is to cause item rotation 90 degrees clockwise. /dumpPausedCommands; (/dump; ) "stop the running macro" /eat; "eat the selected food" /editAppearance; "GM command" /editBank; "GM command" /editInventory; "GM. I believe it goes from 0 to 5 referencing toolbars 1 to 6. This command takes you to the character select screen. Armor Removal Macro Code. /ship WeaponGroup clear - Clear a weapon group. /ship WeaponGroup add - Add a weapon to a group. Y R. A. To craft one of my most popular sale items, a medium mineral harvester, without using factories can take 43 clicks. This is what the bar at the top of the screen is essentially for. 0 speed interface, level 1 commands take 15 secs, level 3 take 45, level 4 take a minute. STEP 4: RUNNING THE MACRO. start dance stop dance start juggling stop juggling A quick guide to setting up the macros needed to afk farm. g. /cityInfo. You may need to adjust flourish order and /pause times to best suit the song or dance. Because of the overpowering strength of the profession at launch, the balancing of creatures. What I did was figured out when my inventory was about to get filled up, use a bag from a crate of bags, put all the trash in the bag and delete the bag for a quick mass delete of trash items. Change the number at the end to the slot of your skill, 00-11 are for the bottom row left to right, and if you have it expanded to 2 rows. Type in the name of the macro, you cant use spaces but you can use “-“ dashes. Reward: Player Title (Master Interior Decorator) and enhanced furniture manipulation options (pitch and roll). New Star Wars Galaxies TEST and New MMORPG (EQ2 syle) TEST operate without using the Alt key. a. In the dialog, select SW VBA Macros (*. A. : r/swg. Each command alias has the following syntax: abbreviation, *command. hotbar 1 - 1 to 0 (only use up to 5, rest is too far away. (n/a) /ui action toolbarSlotXX XX is 00–23, for the F1 to F12 and shift-F1 to shift-F12 toolbar slot. Macros. 1) Open the Command Browser. Seasoned Star Wars Galaxies veterans know all of the best ways to get the most out of the game interface. Combat. 2. ; The music macro refers to the dance macro, and vice versa. /ui action toolbarSlot00; /pause 1; /ui action toolbarSlot01; Etc etc…. 9) Don't expect any pet to be the jack-of-all trades. chatCopy Copy selected text to clipboard. Players can use the /mount command to mount a pet or a vehicle by inputting its name into the command line. Be sure to change your options and uncheck 'autosort datapad contents' and restart the client before starting to craft. Star Wars Galaxies: Pilot. com I will be able to have them done. You'll see the various commands that have default values built-in to quickly and dramatically reposition the selected object. -Load the Cargo Hold into your ship from the manage screen. Every player owned structure has a management terminal associated with it, which can be used by administrators to maintain the structure. ) /petattack [target=focustarget] This will tell your pet to target your focus' target (e. /ship WeaponGroup add - Add a weapon to a group. Droid command. /move forward. There's plenty of guides available on the forums with a simple auto attack macro with loot commands. I thought as time passes and my memory at least isn't getting any better it would be fun to document the ways in which we took advantage of the game which at the. However, former SOE devs have tacitly supported the vast SWG emulator community for years, so you can decide for yourself how legitimate the scene is for you. /stand; /pause 3;. UI Commands. Chat Variables. community Combat Macro. conversationStop Stop conversation. Most objects have at least the Examine action in their radial menus. Open your command browser (CTRL+A), go to the macros tab and scroll all the way to the bottom. Dancer - Image Designer - Musician. Use the command [/startdance] to bring up a list of dance styles. Reduces the cooldown by 30 minutes. 1) Go back to your command browser, find the icon for the macro you created and drag it into your toolbar. Players may also mount something by using the /mount command while having the mount/vehicle targeted and are nearby. Chat / Social conversationResponse X Select answer X from NPC dialog. Chat Variables. If you configure it correctly it will slice 40 items at a time perfectly. Back away from the wall and make sure your screen faces toward it. Having installed the 10-day trial from a demo disc packaged with a copy of PC. The command is not intended to select an option from a radial menu on the ticket collector. ChartObjects. A) The name of your macro. simply go to a toolbar that you dont use currently, i used toolbar 6, adn drag all og your pieces of clothing and armor up to it fromm. Syzygy's macros: There are issues with the macro on the image designer side—I tried it and it kept losing focus on the ID window, making the defaultButton not commit the change, but for the victim side I ran two macros:----- Start Macro AcceptOffer -----/ui action defaultButton; /pause 0. the tell-triggered groupinvite macro from the swgemu boards, courtesy of Goon Town **How-To:** 1) First, you want to run this EXACT alias command ONCE -- just type this on the chat bar and hit enter: /alias ll /invite (Yes, those are two lower-case L's. /follow (player name); /pause 2; /macro follow; /assist (player name); /Pause 2;. For most of the Marco’s all this entails is adding a third “nextcraftingstage;” statement to the command list. Common since the beginning of SWG, some guilds are go into the Star Wars universe through role. 1-misc. Under Rotate, select Yaw + and Yaw -, or. Premium Explore Gaming. Do this in the tools toolbar, controls, then Keymap. I'm bookmarking this post and implementing macros so I can jump from frequently visited sectors. As we are well aware SWG was a very ambitious MMO and it had its fair share of issues at launch and during its lifetime. 6. 11. ZYou can assign a macro to a button, choose a bitmap image for the button, and place the button on any toolbar. Solutions exist for both the PC and Mac. A quick guide to setting up the macros needed to afk farm. Macros are a set of commands you want the computer to perform at the push of a button. Others must type out /flourish 1-8. so basically i have 27 keybinds i actively use. Select "Command expert" on the menu item. Edit. Back - Moves object straight towards. List of most of the commands for advanced users. Quick Wingman Command Macros: Macro name: WingmanCommand_AttackTarget. inc in a text editor, search for:-misc. For some structures (e. An object can only be moved in one direction at a time however. Press the key combination that you would like to trigger this macro (for example SHIFT+A). Part II - Droid Programming Chips . Switching Clothes/Armor Macro: By: Name not given, Posted at: Wed, Oct 1st 12:09 AM 2003, Last Edited: Thu, Feb 24th 8:36 AM 2005 Rated 4. Note many commands may need a target. You can bind up to EIGHT commands to a key by using Shift, Control, and Alt variations. A. 2. UI Commands. 7. Chat Variables. Train your pets to deliver with the same special command. STEP 4: RUNNING THE MACRO . ago. SWG Macro Bible. It is no longer accurate and remains for historical purposes only. But it also creates extra contrast with the other half of the room near the stairs, which now feels even taller – something you can emphasize by. Macros have been implemented into Star Wars Galaxies as a way to help the players. Step-by-Step (first pet, first macro) (will use Bob as the example pet's name) 1. For example, if you are using two displays running at 1024x768 resolution, then your. Many consider pet creation the most involved and demanding Crafting trades in the entire game. Reply. To stop a macro, use the command /dump Sampling Macro [] Note that you need to use. /alias higroup /join;/pause 1;/gsay Hello, group! Reward: Player Title (Master Interior Designer) and enhanced furniture manipulation options (pitch and roll). Train your pets to deliver with the same special command. Here's what you'll need to get this to work right: pad and pencil (or a REALLY good memory) half an hour or so to set up macro. " 3) Enter the information about your new macro. Well I am a macro person and use them very extensively. There are two ways to add a player to the entry list of a building:4. Step 2: Load the buff packs into your inventory. g. Then before I know it, I have 3-5 mobs attacking me. Macros have a character limit in SWG. Doctor is the ultimate support profession. If you'd like to be more efficient, you can create macros in the Command Browser to save time. Create 2 macros: MobCleanup (put in F9) /ui action targetSelf; /ui action cycleTargetOutward; /tellpet attack;View Profile. If you would like more information on macros just follow these links:commands. By substituting aliases it is possible to put more commands into a single macro. Steps. Here are the commands and a description of how they work: /ui action toolbarSlot00. If you have both item1 and item2 in your inventory it will only use item 1. - sets you character to "Away from keyboard" so others know. /pay xx - Add xx maintenance to harvester. ChartObjects (i) . Now all I have to do is click on the animal to get the radial menu, go to train store for instance, then hit F1 to train the creature. chatBubblesClear - Clears Chat bubbles of content. 19. I. A well crafted macro can still do wonders, and advanced macro'ing is still an enjoyable challenge that improves your understanding of the game. 8. 6. Simple tricks and nonsense. (Update due today news of close of SWG and my. ) /chatterspeech almostthere (Almost there. You will not see any command to select resources. swg restoration 3. There are also solutions for using both PC and Mac at the same time. 3. . Not authorized or. Pets perform functions very specific functions. For one thing, aliases are quick. Thanks . Adds power to selected structure. That is, with a 15. This macro silently spams \"0\" as the command the pet should learn. The preference of this template for Krayts comes from the Fire Dot from all 4 heavy weapons specials, then you switch to TK. I don't mind manually targeting - its just when I'm using AoE abilities and the initial target dies in my current macro my guy just kind of does nothing until I realise. ) To obtain a list of all in game commands, type two forward slashes // in your spacial chat box. Step 6: Click and drag this icon to where you would like this Macro button placed in your SOLIDWORKS toolbar. They can change simple things such as height and weight, and for some species even skin colour and fur patterns! As an Image Designer, you gain experience by practicing your skills on clients, as you advance through the levels you gain more styles. /ui action toolbarSlotXX. Sci-fi. Train your pets to deliver with the same special command. What I have seen that works alright is AutoIt (google search it) which you find the x, y of the mouse in various states and command it to double click, etc. /ship WeaponGroup defaults [all] - Reset. So that when I press the macro again with will rinse and repeat. Click in the New Macro Button row. A. In the macro, add "/tellpet attack" or whatever your attack command is. A. If you would like more information on macros just follow these links:down to find the name of the first of your newly created macros. Macros. Advanced User Commands. basicly you can activate macro and it will take over, you. It is intentional, however, that the timer is not reset by dumping the commands, regardless, as such is the intended mechanic for. What's happened is that SWG has read your text file and learned two new commands: /testmacro and /testmacro2. hotbar 2 - shift+1 to 0. You say "s" and then the R2 will say "!". SWG: Macro: Switching Clothes/Armor Macro, by Name not given Forum Preferences: Logged in as: Anonymous Save: 18. In this instance when you press the macro you will use item1 or item A as you called it. Private Message. Activating another buff in the same category will either cancel out the first buff of that category. That's it. You can map the keypad and shift-, ctrl- and alt- variations to make issuing commands very easy. This build with the following macros are ideal for your officer to follow and assist the DPS/Tank toon you're activ. Enable logging with /log, then type // and you will see all commands, including developers' only command like godmode and makemoney. Issuing a macro command is known as a ‘call. Commands can be sent via the chat line, toolbar, radial menu or external controls through keys bound in the keymap, mouse or joystick. Please mark your macro's as work in progress (WIP) or completed. 3400+ Newcastle - Cooled by Thermalright XP-120. /move back. Macros are a set of commands you want the computer to perform at the push of a button. Other Useful Commands. We'll go over a few sample macros below. Download SWGEmu Launchpad for Windows. This lets you put variables in your text in order to automatically insert words and names. These might not all be facts, but none are factious. These are the only commands that appear to be working at this time. Most buffs in that same category cannot be activated at the same time. Heh - since Traders don't have their own combat abilities, it's really helpful to supplement your toons' personal defenses with GCW officer-abilities, pet/droid abilities, Ent buffs - and also a 10k heal from the Ice. bank, or medical center, etc etc) You have 6 different sets of function keys you can use. ago. 3 User Interface; 6. Decorating Macros. A. 2. You are only able to give pets to another Creature. If you google SWG macros you'll find a wealth of information. Armor Removal Macro Code. This toolbar has all my basic commands, like sit, stand, my special weapon attacks, and so on. Type: single-target heal. Macro Set - Draconius Example. Creature Handlers are masters of creatures. Using the move or rotate furniture commands can be a bit cumbersome at times, trying to get things in the right place and turned just right. Star Wars Galaxies: Creature Handler. So I have made up a healing toolbar that I use just for when I am on a hunt. Beast Master Commands. At the command line (where you'd normal enter chat or commands), type. You can change the height and width of charts by changing it in macro code. conversationResponseX Select answer X from NPC dialog. Common commands you may use in a macro: /clear (clears queued actions including auto attack) /ui action cycleTargetOutward; /ui action cycleTargetInward; /ui. The profits are very solid and the orders are basically endless. [Key] 2. Rated 4. r/swg. % - Used in making a macro. Do 3. Here is a list of most of the commands for advanced users. I'm not sure what the command is for selecting the given options in that case. If you are already familiar with SWG macros, read on. Here's what you'll need to get this to work right: pad and pencil (or a REALLY good memory) half an hour or so to set up macro. You could use a macro, to avoid constant clicking and get some free time to interact with other players. Is there a macro to auto target? I realise this is probably a no, but i seem to remember in the NGE there was an auto-target function or something. In the second to last tab under Options, there is a keymap button. Protectors almost the same bit easier. When you exit the game part of the macro gets cut off, I found 3 ways around this. Dizzy/stun/plague strike, does not matter, if it is inconsistent, the pet will still deliver on a regular basis using this macro, however. If the area you are in is having trouble, try a vacated planet like Rori or Talus to craft. These will now be treated like normal commands just like any other command (until you quit the game, at which point it'll forget them). I have one toolbar dedicated to training animals. Drop your chair and turn it to face the right on your screen (parallel to the wall) then sit in the chair. Worked beautifully. When you are done, click Stop Macro (Macro. over 68 min to run camp disbands after 60 so it worked well as a workaround to not being able to get a disband camp command to work. A command is a directive to the game to perform a specific task. UI Commands. Emotes. The chat messages are in group chat but you could move it. Right-click your health and action bar and select Create Group Pickup Point, or use the command /createGroupPickup. Step 2: The Macro 1) Open the Command Browser 2) Select the "Macro" tab and create a "New Macro. 3. In addition to making macros, what a few of us have done is bound them to the keypad. If you have a friendly target on /focus, and it will attack their target. Displays the city status report for the current city without needing to use the city management terminal. Thanks for the info Loralor. Get Patrol Point - Marks a spot along a path for your pet to patrol. 2) Close any windows you may have. STEP 4: RUNNING THE MACRO At the command line (where you'd normal enter chat or commands), type:Game Mechanics. Study the macros in the game and find out how to use them to your best advantage. SWG: Macro: In Game Mechanics for your Macro Needs, by zWolf Forum Preferences: Logged in as: Anonymous Save: 75. This menu lists the last nine macros that you edited. To create an alias, type out the command. 4 Band Flourish Macro 2 Why Macro? 3 Creativity Macros Once you are off Tansari Station and. TKM/Commando can do it solo, best to have Novice Medic and some Stim B's, just keep the Krayt intimidates and use food like Pikatta Pie for dodge. ago. (n/a) /ui action toolbarPaneX X is 0–5 for toolbar pane 1–6. The Command List. UI Commands. General commands [] /assignPlayerFormation - formation commands were removed /associateDroidControlDeviceWithShip - Associate Droid With Ship /boosterOff - turns your. The last line of the macro "/macro petkill", tells the macro to repeat itself. This macro would look something like this: /target; /pause 1; /invite; /pause 5; /ui action untarget; /pause 1; /macro invite; Again I would run a seperate macro or combine a /say command in this macro to let players know that an invite macro is running. Yep. And since your Combat XP will cap out at 300k, it is also a lot quicker than a normal grind. The customer can pay you directly in the ID interface, and if you wish to stipulate a minimum amount, you can do so here. . If you have to move a house full of items you have to select each item and then type out the command which could take lots of keystrokes.